Our Esteemed Speakers
Executive Director, Bisexual+ Support Network
Empowering the Bisexual+ Community
James Anderson is a passionate advocate for the empowerment and support of the Bisexual+ community. With years of experience in community building and activism, he brings a fresh perspective to the challenges faced by the Bisexual+ individuals. His session will explore strategies for creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for the Bisexual+ community.
Founder, Bisexual+ Youth Empowerment Initiative
Empowering the Next Generation
Michelle Garcia is dedicated to empowering and uplifting the next generation of Bisexual+ youth. Her innovative approaches and mentorship programs have made a significant impact on the lives of young Bisexual+ individuals. Join her session to learn about the initiatives and strategies to support and empower Bisexual+ youth.
Director, Bisexual+ Mental Health Foundation
Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health Support
Raj Patel is committed to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in the Bisexual+ community. His work focuses on providing accessible and inclusive mental health support for Bisexual+ individuals. Attend his session to gain insights into promoting mental well-being and seeking support within the Bisexual+ community.
Advocate, Bisexual+ Equality Alliance
Championing Equality and Inclusion
Sarah Nguyen is a dedicated advocate for equality and inclusion within the Bisexual+ community. Through her tireless efforts, she has championed various initiatives to promote equality and combat discrimination. Discover her insights and strategies for creating a more inclusive society for Bisexual+ individuals.
Educator & Activist, Bisexual+ Awareness Network
Raising Awareness and Fostering Understanding
Chris Rodriguez is an influential educator and activist, dedicated to raising awareness and fostering understanding of Bisexual+ experiences. His engaging approach and educational initiatives have contributed to greater visibility and understanding of Bisexual+ identities. Join his session to explore the power of education and awareness.
Author & Speaker, Bisexual+ Empowerment Collective
Storytelling for Empowerment
India Smith is a captivating storyteller and speaker, using the power of narratives to empower and uplift the Bisexual+ community. Her storytelling sessions have inspired and motivated individuals to embrace their identities and share their experiences. Join her for an enriching session on the transformative power of storytelling.
Counselor, Bisexual+ Wellness Center
Embracing Wellness and Self-Care
Alex Williams is a compassionate counselor dedicated to promoting wellness and self-care within the Bisexual+ community. His holistic approach and supportive resources have empowered individuals to prioritize their well-being. Attend his session to explore strategies for embracing wellness and self-care.
Community Organizer, Bisexual+ Advocacy Alliance
Amplifying Voices: Advocacy and Activism
Zoe Yang is a passionate community organizer committed to amplifying the voices of Bisexual+ individuals through advocacy and activism. Her impactful initiatives have driven positive change and increased representation within the community. Join her session to learn about effective advocacy strategies and driving meaningful change.